Monitoring comprehension is not a given no matter how many comprehension strategies we teach our students. Learning to use the strategies in concert to continually check in with themselves is the only way students will truly be able to monitor their own comprehension. Understanding what they have read will only be possible for our students when using comprehension strategies is a habit.
A habit is something we do without thinking. We've done it so many times that we no longer have to think about how and when to do it.
Think about see your shoe is untied and simply tie it. You don't think about how to tie your shoe or when to tie your shoe. The situation calls for it, so you do it.
Using the reading comprehension strategies you've spent so much time teaching, is something you eventually want your students to do without thinking about it. Choosing which strategy to use at any given time is only part of the process of checking for understanding or self-monitoring.
Sometimes we think, "Ok, I've given my students the tools and we've practiced them. My students should be able to use the comprehension strategies to understand their reading."
But, it's not so simple. There's a next step, a process, that needs to happen to make the leap from having the tools and knowing how to use them to using the strategies in concert to check in with themselves or to self-monitor their comprehension.
That's what today's episode is all about. Monitoring comprehension is that next step. It's the piece where students go from having the tools to actually applying them to understand and remember what they've read.
Listen in to the full episode to find out:
Listen to this episode for all the goodness [and don't forget to grab the free Monitoring Comprehension Anchor Chart below ⤵️].
I can't wait for you to get started!
H.O.P.E. Education RESOURCES you're going to L♥️VE:
Grab the freebie: Monitoring Comprehension Anchor Chart
Check out the FREEBIEs Vault here.
Want more? You got it! ⬇️
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Ready for more? You're a teacher after my heart ♥️! LISTEN to these Teach Joyfully Podcast episodes next!
#037: Teaching "How To" Writing with Shared Experiences and Pictures
#052: What Your Sub Wishes You Knew...
#059: 5 Ways to Sabotage Your Students' Independence
#064: How to Get Your Children's Book from Idea to Published with Lauren Ranalli
#068: How to Get Started and Be Successful on Outschool with Wendy Wawrzyniak
#069: How Author Studies Can Help Create a Community of Readers in Your Classroom
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