Do you ever feel overwhelmed or stressed out about figuring out what information your sub will need? How many hours do you spend making sub plans? Too many, right? And when you’re sick, making detailed sub plans is the last thing on your mind. But those sub plans are the key to a successful day for your substitute teacher! Join Lisa as she chats with Barb Mastro, former PE teacher, swim coach, and sub extraordinaire.
Today's episode is all about Barb’s best tips for planning for a substitute teacher, straight from the sub herself. As a substitute, Barb has taught it all--from AP Calculus to language arts, and elementary P.E. As a band mom and swim coach, she might come in knowing what kids are trustworthy, but that still doesn’t mean they won’t take “field trips” while going to the bathroom (just cross your fingers no one lights the toilet paper on fire).
Listen in.
You can do this!
Teach joyfully,
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#003 Time Management for Teachers: How to NOT Work ALL the Time
#024: How to Tame Your Teacher To-Do List
#036: How to Simplify and Systemize Your Busy Teacher Life
50% Complete
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