#102: Tips for How to Organize Your Classroom Library

We’ve all asked that question at some point in our teaching careers...how do you organize your classroom library? 

Honestly, it's not always a one-and-done situation. We may organize our classroom library differently depending on the grade level we are teaching, our goals for our students, the skills we want them to learn, and more. In fact, there are so many ways to organize your classroom library that it can get confusing and overwhelming. 

So, if you're pondering reorganizing your library, setting up a classroom library for the first time, or just want to be able to use and manage your classroom library better, this episode is for you!


Classroom library organization is more than just how you group and store the books. 

Sometimes I think teachers get caught up in sorting, cataloging, and creating organization for the books. All the while, the other pieces that go with managing a fully functional classroom library effectively and efficiently get forgotten or given little attention. And that, my friend, is a HUGE mistake!

While the type of book bins for your classroom library is important, we'll go beyond that basics to help you confidently make decisions about all areas of your classroom library organization.

Listen in to the full episode to find out:

  • Easy classroom library systems you'll need for your library to not drive you crazy.
  • Why students need ownership for a classroom library to function properly.
  • How to make your library (almost) self-managed.
  • Different ways to organize the books in your library (and the benefits of each one).
  • And all my classroom library tips!

Listen to this episode for all the goodness [and don't forget to grab the FREE Classroom Library Organization Cheat Sheet here]. Plus, check out the links to other Organization Episodes and teacher help below. ⬇️

Teach joyfully,

H.O.P.E. Education RESOURCES you're going to L️VE:

FREE Classroom Library Checklist [Grab it here.]

    Back to School Planning Guide

Wireless Barcode Scanner*

Libib Library Management Tool for teachers ♥️ [There's a free version and a paid version.]

Skinny Book Bins*

Michael's Wide Book Bins

Clear Wide Book Bins*

PLUS, check out ALL kinds of free printables in the Vault.


Want more? You got it! ⬇️   

    Main Idea and Key Details Graphic Organizer

 Teaching Summarizing

   Compare and Contrast Activities

  Teaching Poetry Activities

  Parent Email Template System



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Send me a DM on Instagram– I love chatting with my people, so please send me all of your teacher [organization/literacy/time management/classroom management]  questions.


Tag me @lisa_j_burns on Instagram and tell me what content you are enjoying most! I love seeing what resonates with our listeners! 

I don’t want you to miss a thing! Be the first to know when a new episode is available by subscribing to Apple Podcasts here, Spotify here, or wherever you listen!

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Ready for more? You're a teacher after my heart ♥️! LISTEN to these Teach Joyfully Podcast episodes next!

#043: How to Solve Playground Disputes Quickly and Easily

#050: How to Transform Your Classroom Organization with Guest Kelly Jackson

#052: What Your Sub Wishes You Knew...

#058: How to Make Transitions in the Classroom Easier

#059: 5 Ways to Sabotage Your Students' Independence

#102: 9 Types of Scaffolding When Teaching



 *A few of the product links are affiliate links. This means I may receive a small commission (at NO cost to you) if you make a purchase using the link. Please know I never recommend products I do not personally use and like.





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