#078: Reading Skills vs. Reading Strategies - What’s the Difference?

Do you ever wonder what the difference is between reading skills vs. reading strategies? Quite often the terms are used interchangeably but they are not the same thing!

Reading skills and reading strategies are actually 2 different things that require different thinking skills, different parts of the brain, and have different purposes in your students' reading.

In this episode, I'll be explaining what the reading skills and strategies are and the difference between these two groups [and why you should care]. 


I'll bet you have an idea of what the reading skills and strategies are. But do you really know the difference? It's easy to be confused. 

Listen in.

I did a quick search online and come up with tons of resources, articles, and information about both reading skills and reading strategies. None of them agree. So let me clarify...

  • Reading skills are what your students use to decode and read a text, any text.
  • Reading strategies are things you teach your students to use to comprehend a text at a deeper level.
Listen to the full episode to find out:
  • The 5 pillars or groups of reading skills and the importance of each.
  • What the reading strategies are and how each one helps with comprehension.
  • Why your students need to understand and use both skills and strategies.
  • Which group [skills or strategies] you're going to want to be a habit [done without thinking about them] for your students.
  • How the elements of fiction and non-fiction help with text comprehension but are a separate group from the skills and strategies.

Listen to this episode for all the goodness [and don't forget to grab the free Reading Skills vs. Strategies Cheat Sheet].

 I can't wait for you to get started!

H.O.P.E. Education RESOURCES you're going to L️VE:

Grab the freebie: Reading Skills vs. Strategies Cheat Sheet

Check out the FREEBIEs Vault here.

Want more? You got it! ⬇️                

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Ready for more? You're a teacher after my heart ♥️! LISTEN to these Teach Joyfully Podcast episodes next!

       #011: Instilling a Love of Reading in Kids and Families with Michelle Dunham

       #037: Teaching "How To" Writing with Shared Experiences and Pictures

#070: The Power of Learning Through Play with Vanessa Levin

#071: 5 Key Elements That Impact Reading Comprehension

#073: Why Asking Questions is an Important Skill for Your Students

#077: How to Teach Listening Skills in Elementary Grades



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