As you know, I'm a book lover and passionate about literacy and teaching students to love books and reading. I first found Michelle and Ruby Reads on Instagram @rubyreadsbooks. If you don't follow her account, do it now! You won't regret it!
We talk about how to simply create a culture of readers and book lovers in your classroom by what you read, how you pair books and the conversations you start with your students. The steps are truly simple. Like anything new, it's not always easy at first, but the more you prep and practice the easier it becomes. It all starts with a love of books, a few paired books and the heart of a teacher.
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Click here to listen. If you need a little extra help getting a game plan ready, I have a free checklist for you in the links below and a links to books below to get you started. In addition, there's a link to Ruby Reads so you can check out their fabulous posters and book boxes.
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Instagram: @rubyreadsbooks
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*Books listed are linked with affiliate links. I may receive a small fee at no cost to you if you purchase with one of my links. Your trust is important to me. I NEVER recommend anything I don't fully believe in.
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