#077: How to Teach Listening Skills in Elementary Grades

Do you ever catch yourself saying things like “stop talking and listen” or "turn it off and listen" or some other variation on that theme? Knowing how to listen and connect is fast becoming a lost art. Our students and many adults go through life in their personal sound bubbles [aka. Headphones]. This kind of isolation can inhibit our students' abilities to listen and comprehend in real-time. If your students seem to hear less and less of what you say...you’re not alone!

Today, I have 5 ways to teach and strengthen listening skills.


Listening is all about hearing patterns, differentiating sounds, and pulling out or extracting the information we need from the fluff.

This is much harder than it seems. Like so many things in our lives, listening is something we do without thinking so much of the time. That doesn't mean we do it well all of the time though. How often do you meet someone new, hear their name and then promptly forget it? Or hear your spouse tell you to add soap to the grocery list and forget what you were going to add by the time you get to the list? That's our distracted listening skills at work. Doing a fine job, right?!

We know that conscious listening = understanding. But HOW do you teach your students the skills they need for conscious listening, especially in an increasingly distracted and noisy world?

Listen in to the full episode to find out:
  • The barriers to good listening.
  • What to teach students about listening.
  • Why you need a framework for your students to practice their listening.
  • Activities you can do to strengthen students' listening skills.
  • How to build listening stamina simply and easily in those little bits of time between activities. 

Listen to this episode for all the goodness [and don't forget to grab the free Listening Skills Framework].

 I can't wait for you to get started!

H.O.P.E. Education RESOURCES you're going to LOVE:

Grab the freebie: Listening Skills Framework

Check out the FREEBIEs Vault here.

Want more? You got it! ⬇️                

 Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizers

 CVC Word Work Activities

 CVC Listen and Spell Book Cards Bundle

 Parent Email Template System


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Ready for more? You're a teacher after my heart ♥️! LISTEN to these Teach Joyfully Podcast episodes next!

#006 The Power of Words: Speaking with Intention

#009: How to Get Your Students from Knowing HOW to Read to Becoming READERS

#011: Instilling a Love of Reading in Kids and Families with Michelle Dunham

#034: 11 Ways to Use Mentor Texts to Teach Reading and Writing

#035: What is Phonemic Awareness and Why Is It So Important?

#037: Teaching "How To" Writing with Shared Experiences and Pictures


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