#035: What is Phonemic Awareness and Why Is It So Important?

Did you know…a student's phonic awareness skill is the BEST predictor of reading readiness and future reading development?


So what is phonemic awareness?

Phonemic awareness is…the ability to hear, differentiate and flexibly manipulate units of sound in spoken language. That means skills like rhyming, separating sounds, blending sounds, substituting sounds, deleting sounds or adding sounds. I know that sounds a lot like what you teach with phonics, right?! It's not the same thing and here's why...

Phonemic awareness can [and should] be taught without any paper, pencils or letters because it's all about auditory skills. You can find out more in this week's episode.

Listen in.

In this episode, find out:
  • The difference between phonemic awareness and phonics.
  • What the essential phonemic awareness skills are.
  • How to begin teaching phonemic awareness.
  • The clues that tell us a student in lacking in phonemic awareness skills.
  • How you can learn more.

You can do this!

Teach joyfully,

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You can listen to this episode here.

A freebie to help you get started:

The Essential Phonemic Awareness Cheat Sheet 

Register for the Workshop:

How to Teach Phonemic Awareness Workshop

Links to other episodes you might like:

#034: 11 Ways to Use a Mentor Text

#009: How to Get Your Students from Knowing HOW to Read to Becoming READERS

#015: How to Have the Right Words at the Right Time for Better Classroom Management

#030: How to Teach Sight Words in 10 Minutes a Day [or less]

#033: How Our Expectations in the Classroom Have the Power to Impact Our Students' Success

Here's links to some resources to support you:


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