#051: 5 Must-Have Books for Your Teacher Bookshelf

effective teaching Jul 01, 2021
I keep a section on my bookshelf just for teacher books. Do you?


As a teacher, you should have some books on your teacher bookshelf as your go-to resources. While I have quite a few teacher resource books I've collected over the years, I admit to having some favorites. Today I'm sharing 5 of my favorite must-have books for your teacher bookshelf. Don't judge me or my book picks until you hear me out as to why I love these books and think they're essential. One of them is a bit unconventional but I stand behind it as an essential resource.

In case you haven't guessed it already...today's episode is short and to the point and will help you grow your teacher reference book collection. Who doesn't love a great book, right?! And one that will help you in your teaching...even better!

I'm so excited to share these 5 books with you!

Listen in. 

In this episode, find out: 
  • What my 5 book picks are.
  • What I love about each one.
  • Why I think you need them on your bookshelf.

I'd love to know... What books do you consider essential enough to deserve space on your teacher bookshelf?

Teach joyfully,

P.S. If you missed last week's episode on classroom organization, you can check that out here.
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Now if you’re loving the podcast, I would be really grateful if you left me a review, too. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is or how it's helped you. Thank you!

You can listen to this episode HERE 

Here are the books and some additional resources for you: 
Links to other episodes you might like:

#034: 11 Ways to Use Mentor Texts to Teach Reading and Writing

#035: What is Phonemic Awareness and Why Is It So Important?

#037: Teaching "How To" Writing with Shared Experiences and Pictures

#038: How Teaching Phonics Will Set Your Students Up for Long-term Reading Success

#040: 11 Ways to Help Your Students Actively Participate in Class Discussions in Meaningful Ways

#044: Simple Ways to Improve Your Students' Writing

 #050: How to Transform Your Classroom Organization with Kelly Jackson
















 * This post contains a few affiliate links. I may receive a small fee, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase using one of these links. Please know, I ONLY recommend products and services I firmly believe in and use myself.


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