#095: Should You Quit Teaching? How to Know If It's Time

when to quit teaching May 12, 2022

We’ve all had those moments, days, weeks, or even years when we’ve thought about quitting teaching. Perhaps you’re thinking about quitting teaching right now.

Well, as you know you are not alone! Teachers are leaving our profession in droves, but many teachers are also loving being a teacher and are satisfied with their jobs. Others are entering or returning to teaching as well. We just don’t hear about them as loudly as we do those who are upset.

I want you to consider this…Do you cry [or feel like crying] as you head into your classroom or as you leave school for the day? Are you burnt out and feeling like you just can’t do one more day? Are you giving yourself a daily pep talk or taking that loooong walk to and from the parking lot each day? Maybe you’re sick of all the junk that comes with teaching these days that you can’t control.

Today, let’s chat about how to decide if it’s time to quit teaching. I’m...

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