Remember when teaching was less about surface standards and more about in-depth knowledge? Or maybe teaching has always been about standards to you and you WISH you could teach more about certain topics.
Today's episode is all about becoming a teacher-preneur on Outschool. Lisa chats with Wendy Wawrzyniak, a veteran teacher who has a side business of teaching classes on Outschool. Starting with one one-person class about Napoleon, Wendy now teaches an additional four hours each week in addition to teaching high school history virtually in the public school system. So listen in to find out more about how to get started teaching on Outschool [and the secrets of success]. Don't forget to grab the free Getting Started with Outschool Cheat Sheet in the...
As we work from home in these trying times, we have to continue to keep up with our work while still managing our own families and home life while figuring out all of the details of this new way of teaching [and taking care of ourselves].
Here's a few tips to help you apply what we know about organization, routines and habits to this new life you're living.
Click here to listen to the podcast.
First off, you need and deserve a break. If you aren't giving yourself a mental and physical break every day and week, you are going to wear yourself out and make yourself sick. And that means… you’ll be unable to help anyone else. I know that's not a newsflash, but it needs to be said. We all need to admit it. Working all the time is not sustainable, and working all the time when you're in a stressful situation, is even worse. I know it can feel like...
50% Complete
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