#085: Why Your Students Need to be Writing More Than They Type

handwriting writing Mar 03, 2022

What's so great about writing by hand when we live on our screens? I hear it more than you'd think. Honestly, teaching students to write, especially in cursive, is a touchy topic. It seems so benign…it’s just writing. What’s to get all hopped up about?! But we do.

While printing seems to be pretty firmly established still as a norm in kindergarten and first grades, penmanship and certainly cursive are not. And why not? That answer is simple...time and keyboards.


I'll be honest with you, there was a time when I thought cursive was not that important until I started reading the research.

Handwriting is not a waste of time! It's a slow down so your students can speed up later on strategy. Let me explain a bit. Writing by hand, both printing and cursive, activates parts of the brain that control learning and memory. This in turn opens the brain to new learning. Pretty cool, right?!...

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