#069: How Author Studies Can Help Create a Community of Readers in Your Classroom

Do you have students you just can't seem to get excited about reading? Do you struggle to help your students move from knowing how to read to loving books and reading? It's an age-old problem!

Well, I have another tool for your teacher toolbox to help you with this...Author Studies.

Yup! You read that right. I have found author studies to be a great way to create a sense of community for your readers [and NO they do not take tons of time to prepare].

As a teacher, you know how hard it can be to get all students excited about books and reading.  I know you read to your class regularly, provide lots of great skill and strategy instruction, and work really hard to help your students find books they'll love reading.  But sometimes, all that just doesn't move the needle for some students to become lovers of books and committed readers. It's time for a new approach.

Listen in to find out more about how to use author studies to...

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