“I don’t know what to write!”
It’s a common refrain throughout classrooms, no matter what grade you teach. Three plus three is always six, but writing, well, writing is different every time. Most students want to write something once, get their grades, and be done.
Today's episode is all about the writing process. Lisa chats with writer and teacher Loretta Oakes as they peel back the many layers of writing and what teachers can do to make writing easier and more fun. After taking a screenplay class, Loretta branched out into articles and children’s books, editing friends’ works as she went. Loretta joins us to give her best ideas for coaching students into being better writers.
Listen in.
You can do this!
Teach joyfully,
#011: Instilling a Love of Reading in Kids and Families with Michelle Dunham
#034: 11 Ways to Use Mentor Texts to Teach Reading and Writing
#037: Teaching "How To" Writing with Shared Experiences and Pictures
#044: Simple Ways to Improve Your Students' Writing
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