Navigating Thanksgiving with Engaging and Meaningful Teaching

teaching Nov 15, 2017

Yes, you really can enjoy the fun of Thanksgiving and keep the learning on track.

As we head into the season of fast and furious holidays, it's hard to hang onto routines and productivity. Keep your students focused and engaged by incorporating the fun in meaningful ways.

My Thanksgiving favorites for engaging, meaningful teaching:

  • Scholastic's First Thanksgiving Virtual Field Trip (Use primary sources, listen to stories, explore the Mayflower and lots more!) Grades K-5

  • Plimoth Plantation's You are the Historian (Explore what really happened, hear from both sides and make your case.) Grades 3-5

  • Hubbard's Cupboard has some easy free Thanksgiving lesson ideas and printable beginning readers, Get them here. Grades K-2

  • The Mini Page First Thanksgiving Edition. Grades 2-5

  • Here's a few books to share as well.

    A day in the life of a pilgrim girl.

    A day in the life of a pilgrim girl.

    Easy to read version of the First Thanksgiving.

    Easy to read version of the First Thanksgiving.

    The perfect story for primary kids about the pilgrims and their struggles.

    The perfect story for primary kids about the pilgrims and their struggles.

    Being grateful and remembering what is really important.

    Being grateful and remembering what is really important.

    Silly fun. Writing- What if you were the turkey?

    Silly fun. Writing- What if you were the turkey?

    Repetitive, cumulative, rhyming fun. Pair with a sequencing or re-telling activity.

    Repetitive, cumulative, rhyming fun. Pair with a sequencing or re-telling activity.

    Pair with writing- Be the turkey persuading the farmer not to eat you.

    Pair with writing- Be the turkey persuading the farmer not to eat you.

    Screen Shot 2017-11-14 at 11.07.41 PM.png
    Counting backwards and rhyming.

    Counting backwards and rhyming.

    May you have a happy Thanksgiving and a chance to rest and recharge.

    Teach joyfully,



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