#010: Using Your Classroom Library to Combat Racism and Create a Positive Classroom Culture

We simply can't let racism go on. People of color should not have to live in fear, worry for their own safety or their loved ones when they are simply going about normal life. 

Eliminating racism is a daunting task. No big, important goal is achieved in a day. While we can't eliminate racism today, we can start or restart our efforts. If we all make a simple 1% change each month in what we do, think, say or in supporting organizations that work to end racism, it will add up to big wins.

Figuring out where to start can be overwhelming, but as teachers, we have an easy place to start - our classroom libraries. 

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Here's a peek at what's inside this episode:

  • Why your classroom library matters.
  • How to make a 1% change that is both powerful and appropriate for our students' age levels.
  • How to begin evaluating what you have in your library already.
  • What types of texts are needed for a well rounded classroom library.
  • Why you need...
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